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Большая Тёрка / Мысли / lordglyk / Письмо о «счастливой» Америке от её жителя


Atrinax, да, конечно.

Hello Andrew,

I am studying Russian by myself. I talk through the lessons, I make up sentences as I do other things. Я говорю на русском языке немного. I use on line lessons and a translator. I'm slowly learning. Some time I'll set up my keys so I can type Russian.

One of the things I would like to do is tell people in other countries what life is really like here for most of us, who work for very little pay, who are very often in large debt, or only earn enough from work to barely survive and suffer in old age. Who often have no good health care. many of whom are homeless. Yes, the American government has now made law of a national health care plan, but it is twisted in the way these capitalist do things, so that the government (the working class taxpayers) will pay private for profit corporations, to administer the plan. It would cost much less of the people for the government to administer it as is done in other country's health plans. Here the greed of the capitalist and their total control of government can not allow that. To have national health care we are forced to rout it though them, so that they can take a nice fat cut of private profit for themselves, again, at the masses expense. And let us see how well this new national health plan works before we say we're happy about it.

I have worked all my life and have no retirement plan. I have seen many workers treated unfairly and badly, and have been myself. Honesty and hard work have not helped. In fact because I am not a cheater of people, or interested in putting people under myself and exploiting their labor for my profit, I have not done well in the American workplace. In this country it is true to say that cheating and exploiting the labor of others is so normal that people don't even think of it as wrong. This condition, in the U.S, is what happens when capitalism fully expresses itself. There is more to tell, but this is not the happy America that American propaganda tells the world exists.

But what about America's famous high standard of living. In a way during the Cold War the American bourgeois allowed an unusually high standard of living to occur here. As you know the Cold War involved among other things The U.S.A. and the C.C.C.P. both being looked at by the World to see which had the highest standard of living for their respective populations. In the U.S. the ruling class treated the workers better than ever. This was when the worker's standard of living was very high. I was a child and teenager at this time, which peaked in the early 1970's. However, particularly after reaction subverted the Soviet government and the U.S. emerged as the "winner", the American bourgeois no longer needed to keep the generous standard of living for the masses it had used to fool much of the World into thinking that America was the best country for everyone. Since the late 1970's and much more since 1990 the bourgeois dictatorship has been moving to put the American proletariat back into the harsh standard of living of wage slavery it always imposed up to the reformist era (The New Deal) of the Great Depression in the 1930's. This analogy I think makes sense as part of the reason that now in the U.S. The Rich have manipulated their most recently engineered wars and economic crisis so as to accelerate turning the country into a high tech police state, and to engineer the economy so as to continue to reduce the American working class standard of living. This of course increasing their wealth and power over the masses.

I think though for the American government their will be increasing economic and administrative corruption and decline. The world will suffer less from U.S. neocolonial wars and exploitation in this century than in the last as America loses it's economic colonies to socialist movements such as the Bolivarian Revolution in Latin America.

This is not to say that the U.S. will evaporate. No. It will drag on, slowly giving up it's hope for global domination, as did Great Britain during the early 20th Century, until it's imperial energy is exhausted. By then ('m a dreamer but I'm serious) Russia will restore the Socialist State, China will be socialist, and the world transition to socialism will be closer to completion.

Well that's a lot out of me. I invite you to analyze and critique my ideas for faults you might find. One of the things I'm interested in corresponding with Russians for is to improve my knowledge of what is actually happening there. Kanyeshna I'm looking from half way around the world, so what I think is only the best I can do from here.

Wikipedia has a good article on Novosibirsk. You live in a large and complex industrial, academic, and research city with an important modern history.

I live in the City of Norman in Oklahoma U.S.A. It's a small college town with lot's of moneyed people in it. It therefore is much nicer to live in even for the poor worker. The capital city of Oklahoma on the other hand, 20 miles North, has many quarters of low income workers, poor schools, high crime, and many homeless people. That is the city I grew up in, though my family was in the good times of the Cold War middle class then.

I'm a socialist activist. More on that later.

I write too much. The time flies. It's 1:30 A.M. I must sleep or be sorry tomorrow. s

Good things to you,


// Я никого не убеждаю верить в то, что в Америке хорошо или плохо Улыбается. Просто получил такое письмо. То, что "в Америке всё хуёво" - это не я сказал. В_рот_мне_ноги!

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lordglyk, спасибо.

Чуть позже прочитаю.

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Atrinax, прочитал? Улыбается

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lordglyk, ну так понятно теперь стало «I'm a socialist activist.»

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